+Child Care Associates (CCA)
Child Care Associates (CCA) was searching for a partner to help them elevate its brand, promote early education financial assistance programs for low-income Tarrant county families and raise awareness of its high safety standards, in order to increase child care enrollment.
OCG+ was hired to create a galvanized brand for CCA, as well as target diverse audiences, with an emphasis in Hispanic and African American parents in Tarrant County. Through concentrated messaging for the media and a mix of organic and paid social content both in English and Spanish, OCG+ was able to develop a visual appeal for its online properties, as well as a vocal tone for all families, team members and the media to communicate across all markets.
- Secured and earned media coverage on Univision 23 (KUVN), online and broadcast, which has a unique reach of 7,801 visitors per month online and earned an estimated $17,850K in publicity value.
- Created and transcreated key messaging points targeting single family homes and multicultural audiences.
- Educated the CCA staff with ways to optimize available resources and implement via digital outlets.
- Informed CCA’s leadership with tools to positions themselves as thought leaders in early education via a series of media training sessions.
- Increased profile visits on Twitter by 85%.
- Increased reach by 935% on Facebook.
- Grew impressions on both Facebook and Twitter by 60% in just one month.
- Created brand identity by educating the CCA internal and leadership staff before educating the public.
- Leveraged SEO best practices and principles for its digital content creating proven keywords and a 27% increase in social media referrals.
- 2017 Worthy Award for Multicultural Public Relations “Creating Change from Within”